
Ennui, Myself and Irate

Travel takes its toll. Physical fatigue and mental exhaustion are tolerable but only individually. Combine the two and our state of being becomes more comatose than the usual let’s-get-by-today autopilot mode. I’ve been on the road. Many kilometres behind me, and miles more to go. Some photos below to share with you, from the things I’ve seen.

I have a bone to pick. Does anyone remember when the hospitality industry was hospitable? I believe that hospitality is as empty a word as gourmet. Both overused words signifying nothing. Gourmet deli my ass. Am I alone in this? Damn it, show some love, Mr Restaurant. Give your customer some care and attention. Look after them and make their night enjoyable. That’s why people eat out. They want to enjoy those few hours, and perhaps ignore what is mundane about the rest of their life. Sure, take their money, but don’t rob them of their time. It’s very precious.

I need some real food. Who’s with me?


  • «Give your customer some care and attention. Look after them and make their night enjoyable. That’s why people eat out. They want to enjoy those few hours, and perhaps ignore what is mundane about the rest of their life.»

    Yes, yes, yes! That’s the point (or ought to be) of the hospitality industry! The captain & I see it as being in the business of creating happiness… it’s hard work but the right attitude is everything—the vibes you give out are the vibes you get back, for the most part.

    Your hang-gliding photos are beautiful—they radiate a sense of serenity and freedom. Hope the grand liberation of flight helped soothe the irrits! 😉

  • Gorgeous pictures! I can only remember one restaurant where people were rude, and we ended up leaving. Usually is a nice service. Some places more courteous than others, some places more casual but I think I can say I was lucky enough to not meet many rude ones.
    I suppose sometimes when we are in certain moods, small things can affect us even more, when in other circumstances they are not as important. I hope you find a hospitable restaurant that will offer you the love 🙂

  • Hey Fouad,
    What great pics. Wish I was hang gliding. Agreed some places should just shut their doors as escapism is necessasry. Here is a quote on escapisim – Many of us who walk to and fro upon our usual tasks are prisoners drawing mental maps of escape by Loren Eiseley. Hope your well, miss you round here. k x

  • How peaceful and pristine with a gorgeous panorama. It feels like we are there gliding with you! You are right, this kind of relaxing enjoyment is similar to what we expect when dining in a good restaurant. A good host will take the time to welcome you and make you feel valued. This has definitely been lost with the ever pressing need to turn over income and maximise table usage. He who can accommodate his ‘eaters’ and ensure they feel wanted, is far superior in the great restaurant stakes. You can enjoy even ‘adequately cooked meals’ if served with a smile and friendly banter. Please, bring this back!

  • Hey Fouad, glad to see you’re enjoying the outdoors 🙂 Love the shot of the clouds and the hang-glider (2nd) shot has a very nice relaxed vibe about it.

    “A fellow told me he was going to hang-glider school. He said, ‘I’ve been going for three months.’ I said, ‘How many successful jumps do you need to make before you graduate?’ He said, ‘All of them.’”

    All the best, have fun 😉 (more photos)

  • Totally agree with you re hospitality! It’s shocking. They just don’t seem to care anymore. Sydney is so busy that they must think they dont need to try as they will always have a steady flow of customers anyway. It’s really sad.

    Hope you are enjoying your roadtrip. Look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  • These photos captured my attention! Beautiful! Oh yeah, the restaurants , yeah, that’s why I don’t go out hardly at all anymore; why be disappointed or frustrated or mad even? and with a big hole in one’s wallet? I would rather eat a piece of bread and some labneh or feta at home. More pleasure.

  • Stunning, stunning, stunning clouds!
    And I’m with you all the way on the general lack of hospitality in said industry. The general disrespect and contempt frequently shown to diners by their “hosts” is a major pet peeve of mine – along with queueing to order, inaccurate menu’s, poor or non-existent service and thoughtless food.
    There, I think I feel better now.

  • Hi charterbot – unfortunately, the photos are just that. I wasn’t the one gliding. Just happened to be there at the right time. There was something magical just watching it though.

    Hello Vivianne. Keefek? Things are looking up now that I’m back in Sydney, but only slightly. When you leave a major city, lack of competition creates a wave of indifference.

    Hi Kristie. Miss you honey! How’s work? Still drawing mental plans of escape? Hehehe. Love the quote.

    Hi Bee. Thanks!

    Hi Merryn, totally. A restaurant without a smile is like a dish with no seasoning. You just can’t swallow it… Terrible simile, but I guess it gets my point across 🙂

    Calin, my man. Welcome and thanks for taking the time to comment. And thank you for all the photography tips. I couldn’t have come this far without you 🙂 How is the baby going?

    The Food Mentalist – I did enjoy my road trip, despite the hiccups. It was good to get away from Sydney for a while. Makes you appreciate it more.

    Hi Joumana. Darling, when one cooks as well as you do, why eat out 🙂 It’s good to indulge every once in a while, but it’s best to avoid disappointment…

    Sara. Didn’t know you lived down south… Lovely spot. Went past it early on in the trip.

    Hey Amanda. You pretty much covered all issues I have with restaurants… It’s terrible when people take your money but provide no service. Glad you liked the photo of the clouds.

    Hi Erikson. Thanks for visiting mate! Glad you liked the photos! Means a lot coming from you 🙂

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