I’ve been recording many segments on Middle-Eastern food for SBS, and they’ve started putting them on the SBS website, which is very exciting.
Unlike most of my previous interviews, these ones are in English, and if I may say so myself, they are very interesting.
It would be great if you could go and have a listen, and possibly leave a comment. It will encourage SBS to extend my contract, and that will support me in my coming days of unemployment 🙂
NOTE: These are audio interviews. The SBS website is somewhat counter-intuitive, so look for the play button under the heading “Listen”.
Click here to listen to my episode on burghul and here to listen to my episode on yoghurt. Don’t let me down. Go and comment, I’m counting on you!
I ready your recipes on the TV station main website and I think it is great! You are going to contribute in making Lebanese cuisine as popular as the Italian one, inchallah!
by the way the rice and djej paragraph is hilarious.
Hi Joumana. Keefek?
There are also interviews on audio on those pages. Make sure you click the play button when you visit them.
Brilliant, great insight to the history of the food. I’d like to hear one about Toum!
hi i miss u a lot 3refit men 3m ye7ke ma3ak omar darazi and merry ckrsitmas
English, yay!!! Will have a listen and I am sure enjoy 🙂
Glad you enjoyed Howard! Toum. Hehehe. Not much I can say about that. I can tell you heaps about garlic though 😛
Omar – keefak habibi? Merry Christmas and mabrouk for Farah! Very happy for you guys. 3a2belak.
Thanks Sara 🙂
I went. I listened. I commented. Those were very cool. As I said in my comment about the bulghur show, that gave me an entry into Lebanon I’ve never had before, as all I know about it is what’s in the news. As for the comment I left at the yogurt show, maybe you shouldn’t read that one.